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Lameness of the Horse - Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1 by John Victor Lacroix
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knowledge of anatomy and of the physiology of locomotion. Without such
knowledge, no one can master the principles of the diagnosis of
lameness. However, it must be assumed that the readers are informed on
these subjects, as it is impossible to include this fundamental
instruction in a work so brief as this one.

The technic of certain operative or corrective procedures, has been
described at length only where such methods are not generally employed.
Where there is no departure from the usual methods, treatment that is
essentially within the domain of surgery or practice is not given in
specific detail.

Realizing the need for a treatise in the English language dealing with
diagnosis and treatment of lameness, the author undertook the
preparation of this manuscript. That the difficulties of depicting by
means of word-pictures, the symptoms evinced in baffling cases of
lameness, presented themselves in due course of writing, it is needless
to say.

It is hoped that this volume will serve its readers to the end that the
handling of cases of lameness will become a more satisfactory and
successful part of their work; that both the practitioner and his
clients may profit thereby; and last but by no means least, that the
horse, which has given such incalculable service to mankind and is
deserving of a more concrete reward, will be benefited by the
application of the principles herein outlined.

In addition to the consultation of standard works bearing on various
phases of the subject of lameness, the author wishes to thankfully
acknowledge helpful advice and assistance received from the publisher,
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