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Lameness of the Horse - Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1 by John Victor Lacroix
page 5 of 341 (01%)
Scapulohumeral Arthritis 65
Infectious Arthritis 66
Injuries 66
Wounds 67
Luxation of the Scapulohumeral Joint 67
Inflammation of the Bicipital Bursa 68
Contusions of the Triceps Brachii 71
Shoulder Atrophy (Sweeny) 73
Paralysis of the Suprascapular Nerve 75
Radial Paralysis 77
Thrombosis of the Brachial Artery 81
Fracture of the Humerus 82
Inflammation of the Elbow 84
Fracture of the Ulna 86
Fracture of the Radius 87
Wounds of the Anterior Brachial Region 90
Inflammation and Contraction of the Carpal Flexors 93
Fracture and Luxation of the Carpal Bones 96
Carpitis 98
Open Carpal Joint 100
Thecitis and Bursitis 104
Fracture of the Metacarpus 106
Splints 107
Open Fetlock Joint 110
Phalangeal Exostosis (Ringbone) 118
Open Sheath of the Flexors of the Phalanges 124
Luxation of the Fetlock Joint 125
Sesamoiditis 127
Fracture of the Proximal Sesamoids 128
Inflammation of the Posterior Ligaments of the Pastern
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