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The Odds - And Other Stories by Ethel M. (Ethel May) Dell
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She smoothed the frown away with caressing fingers. "I know. That's why
I'd like to shoot him. But he's sure to be caught now, isn't he? They've
got him in a trap. He'll never wriggle through with Fletcher Hill to
outwit him. You said yourself that with him on the job the odds were dead
against him."

"Oh, I know. So they are. But he's such a wily devil. Well, I'd better be
going." Jack Burton arose with the deliberate movements of a heavy man.
"I'm sick of this business, Dot. If it weren't for you, I believe I'd
chuck it all and go into business in a town."

"Oh, darling! How silly!" protested Dot. "What a good thing I came out
when I did! Things seem to be at a rather low ebb with you. But cheer up!
What's a few head of cattle when all's said and done? When once this
rascal is laid by the heels, you'll make up quicker than you know. Of
course you will. Don't let yourself get downhearted! What is the good?"

He smiled a little. There was something heartening in the girl's slim
activity of pose apart from her words. She looked indomitable. He pulled
her to him and kissed her.

"Well, take care of yourself, Dot! You won't be frightened? You needn't
be. He won't come your way. Hill has sworn solemnly to keep an extra
guard in this direction. He may call around himself before the day is
over. It wouldn't surprise me. Don't shoot him if he does! At least,
give him a feed first!"

"Oh, really, Jack!" the girl protested. "I shall be cross with you before
long. You'd better go quick before it comes on."
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