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Pinnock's improved edition of Dr. Goldsmith's History of Rome - $b to which is prefixed an introduction to the study of Roman history, and a great variety of valuable information added throughout the work, on the manners, institutions, and antiquities of by Oliver Goldsmith
page 6 of 646 (00%)
VIII. Roman Law.--Finance

IX. The public Amusements and private Life of the Romans

X. Geography of the empire at the time of its greatest extent


I. Of the Origin of the Romans

II. From the building of Rome to the death of Romulus

III. From the death of Romulus to the death of Numa

IV. From the death of Numa to the death of Tullus Hostilius

V. From the death of Tullus Hostilius to the death of Ancus Martius

VI. From the death of Ancus Martius to the death of Taiquinius Priscus

VII. From the death of Tarquinius Priscus to the death of Servius Tullius

VIII. From the death of Servius Tullius to the banishment of Tarquinius

IX. From the banishment of Tarquinius Superbus to the appointment of the
first Dictator

X. From the Creation of the Dictator to the election of the Tribunes

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