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Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 158, February 18th, 1920 by Various
page 3 of 53 (05%)

We gather that, if DEMPSEY still refuses to come to London to fight
CARPENTIER, Mr. COCHRAN will arrange to take London out to him.

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The Lobby Correspondent of _The Daily Express_ states that it has been
suggested that the PREMIER should take a long voyage round the world. It
would be interesting to know whether the proposal comes from England or the

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"The honest man in Germany," says Herr HAASE, "will not agree to hand over
the German officers to the British." We think it would be only fair if
Germany would send us the name and address of this honest man.

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Leather is being used in the new Spring suits, says a daily newspaper.
Smith Minor informs us that he always derives greater protection from the
use of a piece of stout tin.

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The collecting of moleskins has been forbidden by the Belgian Government
except in gardens. Lure the beast into the strawberry bed by imitating the
bark of the wild slug and the rest is mere spade-work.

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