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Notes and Queries, Number 61, December 28, 1850 by Various
page 2 of 98 (02%)
A Christmas Carol 513
A Note for little Boys 513
Similarity of Traditions 513
Pixey Legends 514
The Pool of the Black Hound 515
Popular Rhymes 515
Minor Notes:--"Passilodion" and "Berafrynde"--
Inscription on an Alms-dish--The Use of the French
Word "savez"--Job's Luck--The Assassination of
Mountfort in For folk Street, Strand--The Oldenburgh
Horn--Curious Custom--Kite--Epitaph on John
Randal--Playing Cards 515

Dragons: their Origin 517
John Sanderson, or the Cushion Dance; and Bab at the
Bowster 517
Did Bunyan know Hobbes? by J.H. Friswell 518
Minor Queries:--Boiling to Death--Meaning of
"Mocker"--"Away, let nought to love displeasing"
--Baron Münchausen--"Sing Tantararara Rogues
all," &c.--Meaning of "Cauking" 519

The Wise Men of Gotham, by J.B. Colman 520
Replies to Minor Queries:--Master John Shorne--
Antiquity of Smoking--Meaning of the Word
"Thwaites"--Thomas Rogers of Horninger--Earl
of Roscommon--Parse--The Meaning of "Version"
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