The Olden Time Series, Vol. 5: Some Strange and Curious Punishments - Gleanings Chiefly from Old Newspapers of Boston and Salem, Massachusetts by Henry M. (Henry Mason) Brooks
page 7 of 81 (08%)
page 7 of 81 (08%)
UPON the gallows with rope about the neck (of frequent mention). WHIPPED at the cart's tail 1, 9 Whipping-post (of frequent mention). SOME STRANGE AND CURIOUS PUNISHMENTS. ------------------------- In the month of January, 1761, "Joseph Bennett, John Jenkins, Owen McCarty, and John Wright were publickly whipt at the Cart's Tail thro' the City of New York for petty Larceny,"--so the newspaper account states,--"pursuant to Sentence inflicted on them by the Court of Quarter Sessions held last Week for the Trial of Robbers," etc. In March the same year "One Andrew Cayto received 49 Stripes at the public Whipping Post" in Boston "for House-robbing; viz., 39 for robbing one House, and 10 for robbing another." In 1762 "Jeremiah Dexter, of Walpole, pursuant to Sentence, stood in the Pillory in that Town the space of one Hour for uttering two Counterfeit Mill'd Dollars, knowing them to be such." At Ipswich, Mass., June 16, 1763, "one Francis Brown, for stealing a large quantity of Goods, was found Guilty, and it being the second Conviction, he was sentenced by the Court to sit on the Gallows an Hour with a Rope about his Neck, to be whipt 30 Stripes, and pay treble Damages. He says he was born in |