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Euthyphro by Plato
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Translated by Benjamin Jowett


In the Meno, Anytus had parted from Socrates with the significant words:
'That in any city, and particularly in the city of Athens, it is easier to
do men harm than to do them good;' and Socrates was anticipating another
opportunity of talking with him. In the Euthyphro, Socrates is awaiting
his trial for impiety. But before the trial begins, Plato would like to
put the world on their trial, and convince them of ignorance in that very
matter touching which Socrates is accused. An incident which may perhaps
really have occurred in the family of Euthyphro, a learned Athenian diviner
and soothsayer, furnishes the occasion of the discussion.

This Euthyphro and Socrates are represented as meeting in the porch of the
King Archon. (Compare Theaet.) Both have legal business in hand.
Socrates is defendant in a suit for impiety which Meletus has brought
against him (it is remarked by the way that he is not a likely man himself
to have brought a suit against another); and Euthyphro too is plaintiff in
an action for murder, which he has brought against his own father. The
latter has originated in the following manner:--A poor dependant of the
family had slain one of their domestic slaves in Naxos. The guilty person
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