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A Coal From The Altar, To Kindle The Holy Fire of Zeale - In a Sermon Preached at a Generall Visitation at Ipswich by Samuel Ward
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master: wheresoever the heart is enlarged, the hand cannot bee
straightned; where the bowells are open, the purse is not shut. _Herod_
for his pleasure, cares not for halfe his kingdome; what will not some
Gentle-men give for hawks and hounds? not onely the poore woman that
spent the rich oyntment on Christ, the widow that gave all her
substance, the converts that solde all, and threw all at the feet of the
Apostles, but even the bounty of the superstitious Papists shall rise in
judgement against such as professe a religion, wil give it good words &
countenance; but bee at no cost with it, and know a cheaper way to save
charge withall.

[Sidenote: 14 Object.]

All have not so much leisure to spend, so much time and study, about
matters of religion, they have somewhat else to doe.

[Sidenote: Answer.]

There are indeede many vanities, which distract and divide the minde of
worldlings; but zeale counts one thing needefull, to which it makes all
other veile and stand by. Is there any so good an husband of his time,
that will not steale some houre for his pleasure; that cannot spare his
God and his soule halfe an houre, morning and evening; that bestowes not
idly, as much time as a Sermon or two would take upp in the weeke? The
soule I confesse hath his satiety, as well as the body; but why should
we sit on thornes, more at a Sermon then at a Play; thinke the Saboths
longer then holi-daies; but for want of zeale? If thou beest not a vaine
and willing deceiver of thy selfe, and others; deale honestly & plainly
with thy soule, try thy selfe by these few rules; and if thou judgest
thy selfe to come short of them, amend and _be Zealous_.
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