A Coal From The Altar, To Kindle The Holy Fire of Zeale - In a Sermon Preached at a Generall Visitation at Ipswich by Samuel Ward
page 47 of 51 (92%)
page 47 of 51 (92%)
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in bewitching the people; they may well reply, Behold our zealous
affections are our charmes, and zeale all our witchcraft, as _Latimer_ well answered one that accused the people of partiality, for not affecting him that preached one of his printed Sermons, that hee had indeede his Sticke, but wanted his Rosen; meaning his zealous manner of preaching and living, without which last, all the former will doe but little good, if a good ensample of life accompany not their doctrine, as lightning doth thunder. For there are some (I speake with sorrow of heart) that seeme to have fire in their preaching, but carry water in their life; being notoriously proud, covetous, or debauched, stained with odious vices. Let us heare the summ of all. Doe wee love Christ more then ordinary? would wee give proofe of our trebble love to him? Let us then feede his flocke with a trebble zeale, expressed in our prayer, preaching and living: Let us make it appeare to the consciences of all, that the top of our ambition is Gods glory: and that wee preferr the winning of soules, to the winning of the world. This title of Angels why may it not also be extended to Magistrates, as well as that higher stile, of Gods; Sure I am, that the scarlet robe of zeale would exceeding well become them. _Jethro_ maketh it their prime and essentiall character; God and _Moses_, their onely and sole, in the charge and commission to _Jehoshuah_ so oft repeated; _Onely be of good courage_. And if _David_ were now to re-pen his Psalme; I thinke hee might alter the forme of his counsell, and say, _Bee zealous yee Rulers and Judges of the world_, and not wise and politique: or rather under the tearmes of wisdome, hee comprehends indeede the zeale wee call for, the most now adayes being _Gallio's_, wise onely for the matters of the Commonwealth; not having a sparke of that spirit which was in _Phineas, Daniel_, and _Nehemias_, &c. for the Lord of hosts, or to his Lawes and Commandements; as if God had made Magistrates keepers onely of the |