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A Coal From The Altar, To Kindle The Holy Fire of Zeale - In a Sermon Preached at a Generall Visitation at Ipswich by Samuel Ward
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_Laodicea_, my desire was to boyle up the former to their just temper:
in which worke I can willingly bee content to spend my strength, and
dayes, if God see it fit. I cannot be a better sacrifice then to God,
and for you, if I waste my selfe, so you may have light & heat; what
else is the end of my life? God hath given you a name, your zeale is
gone abroad, & I hope you have many names among you; the Lord encrease
their number and zeale. If but one of us this day, shall open this
doore of his heart with _Jehoshuah_, let others chuse, I and my house
will serve the Lord more zealously then heeretofore; neither I nor hee
shall have lost our labours. A lively picture casts the eye upon every
one that comes neere it: such is the word with whom, and with which we
have to do; Let him that is now colde, grow colder & colder; but let him
that hath an eare, heare what hath beene sayd to the Churches; and be
zealous and amend.

The Lord give us not onely understanding, but zeale in all things: he
baptize us with fire: hee breath on us, and inspire into us the spirit
of life & power, &c. So shall wee runn the wayes of his commandements.

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