The Number Concept - Its Origin and Development by Levi Leonard Conant
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page 1 of 286 (00%)
[*Transcriber's Note:
The following errors found in the original have been left as is. Chapter I, 14th paragraph: drop double quote before 'It is said'; Chapter IV, 1st paragraph: 'so similar than' read 'so similar that'; Chapter IV, table of Hebrew numerals (near footnote 144): insert comma after 'shemoneh'; Chapter V, table of Tahuatan numerals (near footnote 201): 'tahi,' read 'tahi.'; Same table: ' 20,000. tufa' read '200,000. tufa'; Chapter VI, table of Bagrimma numerals (near footnote 259): 'marta = 5 + 2' read 'marta = 5 + 3'; Same table: 'do-so = [5] + 3' read 'do-so = [5] + 4'; Chapter VII, table of Nahuatl numerals (near footnote 365): '90-10' read '80-10'; In paragraph following that table: '+ (15 + 4) × 400 × 800' read '(15 + 4) × 20 × 400 × 8000 + (15 + 4) × 400 × 8000'; In text of footnote 297: 'II. I. p. 179' read 'II. i. p. 179'; *] THE MACMILLAN COMPANY NEW YORK · BOSTON · CHICAGO · DALLAS ATLANTA · SAN FRANCISCO |