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A Bird's-Eye View of the Bible - Second Edition by Frank Nelson Palmer
page 12 of 126 (09%)
1. The sixty-six books are divided into ten groups, according to their
relation to the Kingdom. In this connection the word Kingdom is not used
in any restricted or technical sense. It is used to designate the
Kingdom of God instituted to redeem the race from sin, under whatever
form manifested.

2. Several of the books are not located in their exact places. Esther is
located in Division Six because it is Captivity narrative. The Kings and
Chronicles technically overlap two divisions. Lamentations and Jeremiah
chronologically belong to the preceding division, but are placed among
the books of the Captivity because their wails betoken that event.

3. The books in each division are arranged in chronological order. In
Division Nine the fourteen epistles of Paul are placed first, in the
order of their composition, then the seven general epistles in the order
of their writing.

4. Where the books of a division are separated into two groups by a
dash, those above the dash are historical, those beneath the dash are
biographical, or poetical, or legal, or prophetical, or epistolary.

5. The teacher may exercise his own judgment in requiring the committal
of this chart at the start, or part by part as the study proceeds.


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