A Bird's-Eye View of the Bible - Second Edition by Frank Nelson Palmer
page 15 of 126 (11%)
page 15 of 126 (11%)
outline as a basis. In the pursuance of these lessons the numbers left
vacant in the outline are to be wrought out by the pupils. In recording the work in the blank book the first page is to be given to the pictorial device. One of these will be printed in its appropriate place. Let students prepare the others. Urge the pupils to use originality of thought and pen in producing them. The aim of the device is to impress by a simple picture the contents of the book as a whole. Under No. 2 the kind of literature may be described, as history, law, discourse, biography, etc. Secure answers to Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5 in Bible Dictionary. As a rule, Nos. 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 will be given. Under No. 10 part of the chapters will be named, and part are to be read and named by the pupils. After the pupils present the names of these chapters in class, one must be agreed upon, so that the names will be uniform. When the names of chapters are given in the outline, require the pupils to glance over the chapters and verify them. Under No. 13 the foreshadowed facts of Christ are given, so as to manifest Him as the living center of the Book. Only the leading ones are selected. The teacher or pupil may add others. For convenience sake they are classified as follows: (a) Symbol; (b) Type; (c) Analogy; (d) Prophecy. Though the words symbol and type are not technically distinct, we have agreed to use the word _symbol_ to designate an _object_ or _animal_ that prefigures Christ, as "star" or "lamb," and the word _type_ to designate a _person_ that prefigures Christ, as Melchizedek or Moses. We have also agreed to limit the symbols and types to those directly or indirectly mentioned in the New Testament. By analogy we mean a person who, though widely differing from Christ in many particulars, bears some one resemblance to Him in quality or deed. These analogies are not mentioned in the New Testament. The word _prophecy_ in the outline is confined, then, to _facts_ foretold regarding Christ. Under No. 15 let the teacher call for five or ten (suit the number to conditions) items of peculiar interest, touching the |