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A Bird's-Eye View of the Bible - Second Edition by Frank Nelson Palmer
page 30 of 126 (23%)
to explain their meaning, and to show the likeness between the symbol,
the type, and Christ. In copying this outline work the pupil may or may
not omit the names of the fourteen topics, according to the teacher's
judgment. For the inspection of friends it would be preferable to have
the words of these topics repeated with each outline, as in Genesis. As
an aid to concert recitation let the teacher place the topics of the
outline upon the blackboard and repeat names and answers together.

XIV. _Questions._

1. In what ways had Moses acted as a deliverer in Chapter 2?

2. How is Moses described in Acts 7 and Hebrews 11?

3. Name the three excuses Moses gave in hesitating to become the
deliverer, and God's reply to each.

4. Fill out the diagram on page 33 regarding the ten plagues.

5. Name four expressed purposes of the plagues. 7:5; 9:14; 9:29; 10:2.

6. State Pharaoh's last three words to Moses.

7. Describe in full the host that went out of Egypt. Note 12:37 and

8. Name the things the people of Israel took with them, out of Egypt.

9. Describe manna in full and name three purposes for its giving.

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