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A Bird's-Eye View of the Bible - Second Edition by Frank Nelson Palmer
page 40 of 126 (31%)

I. _Pictorial Device:_ Map.

Draw map of Palestine, locating the tribes. See Map 3 in Bible. Make an
opening in the Jordan River, where the crossing occurred. Locate Jericho
and Ai, scenes of first victory and first defeat. Locate Mounts Ebal and
Gerizim. Place over the map an appropriate phrase from Chapter 1. Draw
two dotted lines in a general easterly and westerly direction through
the country to indicate the Northern, Central and Southern campaigns.




V. 1451 B.C. to 1427 B.C., making twenty-four years.

VI. 1. Preparations to enter Canaan. 1 to 5.

2. The Three Campaigns of Conquest. 6 to 12.

3. The Division of the Land. 13 to 22.

4. Joshua's Farewell Speeches. 23, 24.

VII. 1:6 in part: "Thou shalt cause this people to inherit the land."
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