A Bird's-Eye View of the Bible - Second Edition by Frank Nelson Palmer
page 46 of 126 (36%)
page 46 of 126 (36%)
QUOTATION.--"This period has been called the Heroic age of Hebrew history. It abounds in wild adventure and desperate feats of individual valor. Personal activity, daring and craft were the qualifications which raised the judges to their title and eminence. They appear as gallant insurgents, or guerrilla leaders, rather than as grave administrators of justice or the regular authorities of a great kingdom." Copy in blank book. XV. _Items of Special Interest._ Select ten. XVI. _Individual Finds._ Chapters 5, 11, 16, 21. RUTH I. Read the book through thoroughly, thoughtfully, and record the length of time required. II. Name the eight leading characters. III. Name seven interesting facts gleaned from the book. IV. Prepare three questions upon the material of each chapter. |