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Through Forest and Fire - Wild-Woods Series No. 1 by Edward S. (Edward Sylvester) Ellis
page 37 of 244 (15%)

"Have you found anything of Nellie?" asked the mother, in broken
English, as soon as the parties came together.

"It could scarcely be expected," answered the instructor, in a kindly
voice; "we have just got here, and have only looked along the road. I
have little doubt that she is soundly sleeping somewhere not far off."

While all stood still, the father lifted up his voice, and in clear,
penetrating tones called the name of his missing child:


The ticking of the big watch in the pocket of Nick was plainly heard as
the little company awaited the answering call of the child.

But it came not, and three times more was the name of the missing girl
repeated by the father, who broke down completely the last time.

Nick now joined his thumb and finger against the end of his tongue, and
emitted a blast like that of a steam whistle. It resounded among the
trees, and then followed the same oppressive stillness as before.

It was useless to remain where they were any longer, and, without a
word, the five moved on. The three lamps were swung above their heads,
and they peered into the gloomy depths on the right and left.

Nick, as might have been expected, kept the advance, and his father
allowed him to carry the lantern. As the other lights were behind the
lad, the latter saw his huge shadow continually dancing in front and
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