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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (1 of 8) - From the Time That It Was First Inhabited, Vntill the Time That It Was Last Conquered: Wherein the Sundrie Alterations of the State Vnder Forren People Is Declared; And Other Manifold Observations Re by Raphael Holinshed
page 23 of 32 (71%)

[Sidenote: The occasion of the fable of Jupiter helping his son Hercules.]
And by the order of this battell wée maye learne whereof the poets had
their inuention, when they faine in their writings, that Jupiter holpe
his sonne Hercules, by throwing downe stones from heauen in this battell
against Albion and Bergion. Moreouer, from henceforth was this Ile of
[Sidenote: How this Ile was called Albion, of the giant Albion.
_Iohn Bale_.]
Britaine called Albion (as before we haue said) after the name of the
said Albion: because he was established chiefe ruler and king thereof
both by his grandfather Osiris and his father Neptune that cunning
sailour reigning therein (as Bale saith) by the space of 44. yeares, till
finally he was slaine in maner afore remembred by his vncle Hercules

After that Hercules had thus vanquished and destroied his enimies, hée
passed to and fro thorough Gallia, suppressing the tyrants in euerie
part where he came, and restoring the people vnto a reasonable kinde of
libertie, vnder lawfull gouernours. This Hercules (as we find) builded
the citie Alexia in Burgongne, nowe called Alize. Moreouer, by Lilius
Giraldus in the life of Hercules it is auouched, that the same Hercules
came ouer hither into Britaine. And this dooth Giraldus write by warrant
of such Britons as (saith he) haue so written themselues, which thing
peraduenture he hath read in Gildas the ancient Briton poet: a booke that
(as he confesseth in the 5. dialog of his histories of poets) he hath
séene. The same thing also is confirmed by the name of an head of land
in Britaine called _Promontorium Herculis_, as in Ptolomie ye may read,
which is thought to take name of his arriuall at that place. Thus much
for Albion and Hercules.

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