Chronicles 1 (of 6): The Historie of England 5 (of 8) - The Fift Booke of the Historie of England. by Raphael Holinshed
page 16 of 225 (07%)
page 16 of 225 (07%)
that he burned in continuall desire to inioy the same: insomuch that
[Sidenote: _Polydor_. _Fabian_.] shortlie after he forsooke his owne wife, by the which he had thrée sonnes, named Vortimerus, Catagrinus, and Pascentius, and required of Hengist to haue his daughter, the said Rowen, or Ronowen in mariage. Hengist at the first séemed strange to grant to his request, and excused the matter, for that his daughter was not of estate and dignitie méet to be matched with his maiestie. But at [Sidenote: _Wil. Malm._] length as it had béene halfe against his will he consented, and so the mariage was concluded & solemnized, all Kent being assigned vnto Hengist in reward, the which countrie was before that time gouerned by one Guorongus (though not with most equall Justice) which Guorongus was subiect vnto Vortigerne, as all other the potentats of the Ile were. This mariage and liberalite of the king towards the strangers much offended the minds of his subiects, and hastened the finall destruction of the land. For the Saxons now vnderstanding the affinitie had betwixt the king and Hengist, came so fast ouer to inhabit héere, that it was woonder to consider in how short a time such a multitude could come togither: so that bicause of their great number and approoued puissance in warres, they began to be a terrour [Sidenote: _Wil. Malm._] to the former inhabitants the Britains. But Hengist being no lesse politike in counsell than valiant in armes, abusing the kings lacke of discretion, to serue his owne turne, persuaded him to call out [Sidenote: _Gal._ saith he was Hengists sonne, and Ebusa his vncles sonne. Occa and Ebusa leaders of Saxons.] of Germanie his brother Occa and his sonne named Ebusa, being men of |