Chronicles 1 (of 6): The Historie of England 5 (of 8) - The Fift Booke of the Historie of England. by Raphael Holinshed
page 47 of 225 (20%)
page 47 of 225 (20%)
About the ninth yéere after the comming of Ella, the Britains perceiuing that he with his Saxons still inlarged the bounds of his lordship by entring further into the land, assembled themselues togither vnder their kings and rulers, and gaue battell to Ella and his sonnes at Mecredesbourne, where they departed with doubtfull victorie, the armies on both sides being sore diminished, and so returned to their homes. Ella after this battell sent into his countrie for more aid. But now touching Hengist, who as ye haue heard, reigned as king in the prouince of Kent, the writers of the English kings varie somewhat from the British histories, both in report of the battels by him fought against the Britains, and also for the maner of his death: as thus. After that Vortimer was dead, who departed this life (as some write) [Sidenote: _Polychron._] in the first yéere of the emperor Leo, surnamed the great, and first of that name that gouerned the empire, who began to rule in [Sidenote: 457.] the yéere of our Lord 457, we find that Hengist and his sonne Occa or [Sidenote: _Henrie Hunt._ _Wil. Malm._ Creiford. Britains ouerthrowne.] Osca gathered their people togither that were before sparkled, and hauing also receiued new aid out of Germanie, fought with the Britains at a place called Crekenford, where were slaine of the Britains foure dukes or capteins, and foure thousand of other men, the residue were chased by Hengist out of Kent vnto London, so that they neuer returned afterwards againe into Kent: thus the kingdome of Kent began vnder Hengist the twelfe yéere after the comming of the Saxons into Britaine, and Hengist reigned in Kent after this (as the same writers agree) foure and twentie yéeres. |