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The Life Story of an Old Rebel by John Denvir
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VI.--The Irish Revolutionary Brotherhood--Escape of James
Stephens--Projected Raid on Chester Castle--Corydon the Informer

VII.--The Rising of 1867--Arrest and Rescue of Kelly and Deasy--The
Manchester Martyrdom

VIII.--A Digression--T.D. Sullivan--A National Anthem--The Emerald
Minstrels--"The Spirit of the Nation"

IX.--A Fenian Conference at Paris--The Revolvers for the Manchester
Rescue--Michael Davitt sent to Penal Servitude

X.--Rescue of the Military Fenians

XI.--The Home Rule Movement

XII.--The Franco-Prussian War--An Irish Ambulance Corps--The French
Foreign Legion

XIII.--The Home Rule Confederation of Great Britain

XIV.--Biggar and Parnell--The "United Irishman"--The O'Connell Centenary

XV.--Home Rule in Local Elections--Parnell succeeds Butt as President
of the Irish Organisation in Great Britain

XVI.--Michael Davitt's Return from Penal Servitude--Parnell and the
"Advanced" Organisation

XVII.--Blockade Running--Attempted Suppression of "United
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