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The Fotygraft Album - Shown to the New Neighbor by Rebecca Sparks Peters Aged Eleven by Frank Wing
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made lots of money off'm honey. He was awful good t' gramma.

"Ma says you kin allus trust a bee man."


"Here's Ferdinand Ashur Peebles, a favorite cousin of ma's. He ain't got
much time fer them 't ain't so good as what he is, so pa don't like him so
very well. Says he's a hippercrit. One time ma was showin' this pitchure
t' somebody and she says, 'This is a boy we're proud of: Cousin Ferd, full
of good works--' 'and prunes,' pa puts in, and it made ma awful mad.

"Turn over."


"Them's pa's pa and ma, grampa 'n' gramma Peters. Jist look at her feet!
All her folks toes in--even pa, some, but he denies it. Grampa's got a
turribul temper. Onct he was up in a tree a-sawin' out limbs and a little
branch scratched him onto his head and he turned round quick's a wink,
a-snarlin', and bit it right smack off. Fact!"


"That's Sophrony Ann Gowdey, kind of a distant cousin of ma's. She's
gifted weth th' secont sight. Onct when grampa lost his false teeth they
called her in and she set right here in this room and tranced and after a
bit she woke up suddent and says, wild like, 'Seek ye within th' well!'
she says; so they done it, but they didn't find 'm. But only a week
afterwards, when they cleaned th' cistern, there them teeth was. Pa says,
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