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Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 158, June 30th, 1920 by Various
page 3 of 72 (04%)
can be conducted in the absence of the prisoner.

* * *

"I have put in a good three months in the garden," Mr. SMILLIE told a
reporter, on his return to London, "and have coaxed some nice red roses
out." Coaxing the nice red miners out is comparatively easy work.

* * *

On a question of equipment Ashford Fire Brigade has resigned. It is not
known yet whether local fires will go out in sympathy with the Brigade.

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Letchworth, the first Garden City, has voted itself dry by a majority of
sixty-five. There seems to be a lack of hospitality in this attempt to
discourage American visitors.

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The latest news from Turkey, Russia and Ireland sets us wondering what the
War made the world safe for.

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Ants, we are informed, will not come near the hands of a person if well
rubbed with a raw onion. The last time we attempted to rub an ant with a
raw onion he broke away and made a dash for the hills.

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