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Young Folks' History of Rome by Charlotte Mary Yonge
page 4 of 217 (01%)
20. The First Eastern War. 215-183 181

21.--The Conquest of Greece, Corinth, and Carthage. 179-145 188

22.--The Gracchi. 137-122 195

23.--The Wars of Marius. 106-98 203

24.--The Adventures of Marius. 93-84 212

25.--Sulla's Proscription. 88-71 220

26.--The Career of Pompeius. 70-63 229

27.--Pompeius and Cæsar. 61-48 242

28.--Julius Cæsar. 48-44 252

29.--The Second Triumvirate. 44-33 263

30.--Cæsar Augustus. B.C. 33 A.D. 14 273

31.--Tiberius and Caligula. A.D. 14-41 285

32.--Claudius and Nero. A.D. 41-68 297

33.--The Flavian Family. 62-96 305

34.--The Age of the Antonines. 96-194 317

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