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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) - The Eight Booke of the Historie of England by Raphael Holinshed
page 10 of 73 (13%)
traitorouslie slue his coosen Bearne (as before is said) the which
[Sidenote: _Simon Dun._]
trauelled to agrée him with the king. Also Gosipat Clappa, who
had left his wife at Bruges in Flanders, comming amongst other of the
Danish pirats, which had robbed in the coasts of Kent & Essex, as
before ye haue heard, receiued his wife, and departed backe into
Denmarke with six ships, leauing the residue, being 23 behind him.

[Sidenote: _Fabian_. 1051.]
About the tenth yéere of king Edwards reigne, Eustace earle of
Bullongne, that was father vnto the valiant Godfrey of Bullongne,
& Baldwin, both afterward kings of Hierusalem, came ouer into
[Sidenote: _Matth. West._ The earle of Flanders commeth into England.
_Ran. Higd._ _Wil. Malm._]
England in the moneth of September, to visit his brother in law king
[Sidenote: Goda sister to K. Edward. _Wil. Malm._]
Edward, whose sister named Goda, he had maried, she then being the
widow of Gualter de Maunt. He found the king at Glocester, and being
there ioifullie receiued, after he had once dispatched such matters
for the which he chieflie came, he tooke leaue, and returned
[Sidenote: Douer saith _Matth. West._]
homeward. But at Canturburie one of his herbingers, dealing roughlie
with one of the citizens about a lodging, which he sought to haue
rather by force than by intreatance, occasioned his owne death.
Whereof when the erle was aduertised, he hasted thither to reuenge the
slaughter of his seruant, and slue both that citizen which had killed
his man, and eightéene others.

[Sidenote: A fraie in Canturburie betwixt the earle Bullongne and the
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