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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) - The Eight Booke of the Historie of England by Raphael Holinshed
page 20 of 73 (27%)
not, this is reported of him for a truth, that after he had attempted
sundrie rebellions against king Edward, he lastlie also rebelled
against his father Goodwine, and his brother Harold, and became a
pirate, dishonouring with such manifold robberies as he made on the
seas, the noble progenie whereof he was descended. Finallie vpon
remorse of conscience (as hath béene thought) for murthering of
his coosine (or as some say his brother) erle Bearne, he went on
pilgrimage to Hierusalem, and died by the way of cold which he
[Sidenote: _Ran. Higd._ _Will. Malms._]
caught in returning homeward (as some write) in Licia: but others
affirme, that he fell into the hands of Saracens that were robbers by
the high waies, and so was murthered of them.

* * * * *

_At what time William duke of Normandie came ouer into England, king
Edward promiseth to make him his heire to the kingdom and crowne, the
death of queene Emma, earle Goodwine being growne in fauor againe
seeketh new reuenges of old grudges, causing archbishop Robert and
certeine noble Normans his aduersaries to be banished; Stigand
intrudeth himselfe into archbishop Roberts see, his simonie and lacke
of learning; what maner of men were thought meet to be made bishops
in those daies, king Edward beginneth to prouide for the good and
prosperous state of his kingdome, his consideration of lawes made in
his predecessours times and abused; the lawes of S. Edward vsuallie
called the common lawes, how, whereof, and wherevpon instituted; the
death of earle Goodwine being sudden (as some say) or naturall (as
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