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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) - The Eight Booke of the Historie of England by Raphael Holinshed
page 35 of 73 (47%)
is mentioned. But by what means or occasion soeuer he came thither,
[Sidenote: Harold was highly welcomed of Duke William.]
certeine it is, that he was ioifullie receiued, and had great
chéere made him by the said duke William, who at that time was readie
to make a iournie against the Britains, and tooke earle Harold with
him to haue his companie in armes in that iournie, that he might haue
the better triall of his valiancie. Earle Harold behaued himselfe so,
that he shewed good proofe both of his wisedome and policie, and also
of his forwardnesse to execute that with hand, which by wit he had
deuised, so that duke William had him in high fauour, and (as it hath
béene said) earle Harold (to procure him more friendship at the dukes
hands) declared vnto him, that king Edward had ordeined him his heire
if he died without issue, and that he would not faile to kéepe the
realme of England to the dukes vse, according to that ordinance, if
[Sidenote: _Matth. West._ Duke William promised to Harold his
daughter in mariage.]
K. Edward died without issue. And to performe this promise, he
receiued a corporall oth, whether willinglie to win the more credit,
or forced thereto by duke William, writers report it diuerslie. At the
same time, duke William promised vnto him his daughter in marriage,
whom Harold couenanted in like maner to take to wife.

* * * * *

_Harold at his returne into England reporteth to K. Edward what he
had doone beyond the seas, and what the king said vnto him in that
behalfe, who foresaw the comming of the Normans into this land to
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