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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) - The Eight Booke of the Historie of England by Raphael Holinshed
page 38 of 73 (52%)
lomes of meth and tubs of brine and other liquor he bestowed the parts
of the dead carcasses of his brothers seruants, sending the king woord
that he had prouided at his brothers manor, against his coming, good
plentie of sowse & powdred meat, whatsoeuer he should find beside.

The rumor of this cruell deed sprang ouer all the realme, wherevpon
the Northumbers, whome he had gouerned for the space of ten yéeres
verie cruellie, tooke occasion to rebell against him, and slue his
[Sidenote: The Northumbers rebell against Tostie their earle.]
seruants both Englishmen and Danes, spoiled his houses, and tooke
awaie his horsses, his armour, and all other his goods and houshold
stuffe. The chiefest cause (as is remembred by some writers) that
mooued the Northumbers thus to rise and rebell against Tostie, was
for the detestable murther of certeine gentlemen of their countrie,
seruants unto Gospatrike, whom the queene in behalfe of hir brother
had caused to be slaine in the court by treason, in the fourth night
of Christmas last past, and also in reuenge of other noble men, which
in the last yéere Tostie himselfe had commanded to be murthered in
his owne chamber at Yorke, whither he had allured them to come vnder
colour of concluding a peace with them. Also the gréeuous paiments,
wherewith he charged the people of that countrie, set them in a great
rage against him.

But the king aduertised héereof, liked not their dooings, for that
they had doone it without commandement or commission, and therefore
sent earle Harold with an armie to chastise them, but they were
[Sidenote: _Wil. Malm._]
strong inough to withstand him, as those which were assembled in
armour togither with the people of Lincolnshire, Notinghamshire, and
Darbishire, and hauing with them Marcharus or Malcharus, the sonne of
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