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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) - The Eight Booke of the Historie of England by Raphael Holinshed
page 41 of 73 (56%)
kings euill, and left that vertue as it were a portion of inheritance
vnto his successors the kings of this realme.

[Sidenote: A tale of a ring.]
He was warned (as hath béene reported) of his death certeine daies
before he died, by a ring that was brought him by certeine pilgrims
comming from Hierusalem, which ring he had secretlie giuen to a poore
man that asked his charitie in the name of God and saint Iohn the
[Sidenote: King Edward canonized for a saint. _Wil. Malms._
_Matt. Westm._]
Euangelist. But to conclude, such was the opinion conceiued of his
holinesse of life, that shortlie after his decease, he was canonized
amongst the number of saints, and named Edward the Confessor. Whilest
he lay sicke of that sicknesse, whereof at length he died, after he
had remained for two daies speechlesse, the third day after when he
had laine for a time in a slumber or soft sléepe, at the time of
his waking, he fetched a déepe sigh, and thus said; "Oh Lord God
almightie, if this be not a vaine fantasticall illusion, but a true
vision which I haue séene, grant me space to vtter the same vnto these
that stand héere present, or else not." And herewith hauing his speech
perfect, he declared how he had séene two moonks stand by him as he
thought, whome in his youth he knew in Normandie to haue liued godlie,
and died christianlie. "These moonks (said he) protesting to me that
they were the messengers of God, spake these words; Bicause the chéefe
gouernors of England, the bishops and abbats, are not the ministers of
God, but the diuels, the almightie God hath deliuered this kingdome
for one yéere and a day into the hands of the enimie, and wicked
spirits shall walke abroad through the whole land. And when I made
answer that I would declare these things to the people, and promised
on their behalfe, that they should doo penance in following the
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