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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) - The Eight Booke of the Historie of England by Raphael Holinshed
page 43 of 73 (58%)

Moreouer, sith the progenie of the Saxon kings seemeth wholie to take
end with this Edward surnamed the Confessor, or the third of that name
before the conquest, we haue thought good for the better helpe of
memorie to referre the reader to a catalog of the names as well of
those that reigned among the Westsaxons (who at length, as ye haue
heard, obteined the whole monarchie) as also of them which ruled in
the other seuen kingdomes before the same were vnited vnto the said
kingdome of the Westsaxons, which catalog you shall find in the
description of Britaine, pag. 31, 32, 33.

Here is to be remembred, that as partlie before is expressed, we find
[Sidenote: _Matt. West._]
in some old writers, how the first kings of seuen kingdomes of the
Germane nation that bare rule in this Ile, fetcht their pedegrées from
one Woden, who begat of Frea his wife seuen sonnes, that is to say, 1
Vecta, of whome came the kings of Kent, 2 Fethelgeta, or Frethegeath,
from whome the kings of Mercia descended, 3 Balday, of whose race the
kings of the Westsaxons had their originall, 4 Beldagius, ancestor to
the kings of Bernicia, and the Northumbers, 5 Wegodach or Wegdagus,
from whome came the kings of Deira, 6 Caser, from whome procéeded the
kings of the Eastangles, 7 Nascad alias Saxuad, of whome the kings
of the Eastsaxons had their beginning. And here you must note, that
although the kings of the eight kingdome, that is, of the Southsaxons
or Sussex, were descended of the same people, yet were they not of the
same line. By other it should séeme, that Woden had but fiue sonnes:
as Vecta, great grandfather to Hengist; Wepedeg, ancestor to the kings
of the Eastangles; Viclac, from whome procéeded the kings of Mercia;
Saxuad, from whom the kings of Essex came; and Beldag, of whose
generation proceeded the kings of the Southsaxons, Westsaxons, and
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