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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) - The Eight Booke of the Historie of England by Raphael Holinshed
page 55 of 73 (75%)

_William duke of Normandie prepareth to inuade England and to conquere
it, the earle of Flanders and the French king assist him, the number
of his ships, hir arriuall at Peuensey in Sussex, vpon what occasions
he entred this realme; the pope liked well duke Williams attempt, why
king Harold was hated of the whole court of Rome; why duke William
would not suffer his souldiers to wast the countries where they came;
Harold goeth towards his enimies, why his vnskilfull espials tooke the
Normans (being old beaten souldiers) for priests; Girth dissuadeth his
brother Harold from present incountering with the duke; where note
the conscience that is to be had of an oth, and that periurie can not
scape vnpunished._


William duke of Normandie hauing knowledge after what maner K. Harold
was busied in the north parts of his realme, and vnderstanding that
the south parts thereof remained destitute of due prouision for
necessarie defense, hasted with all diligence to make his purueiance
of men and ships, that he might vpon such a conuenient occasion set
forward to inuade his enimie. And amongest other of his friends, vnto
whome he laboured for aid, his father in law Baldwine earle of
[Sidenote: _Ia. Meir_. Baldwine earle of Flanders aided duke William
to conquere England. _Wil. Geme._]
Flanders was one of the chiefest, who vpon promise of great summes of
monie and other large offers made, did aid him with men, munition,
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