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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) - The Eight Booke of the Historie of England by Raphael Holinshed
page 57 of 73 (78%)
chalenge his right, meaning the dominion of the land that to him was
giuen and assigned (as he said) by his nephue king Edward late ruler
of the same land.

[Sidenote: 2]
The second was, to reuenge the death of his nephue Alured or
Alfred the brother of the same king Edward, whome Goodwine earle of
Kent and his adherents had most cruellie murthered.

[Sidenote: 3]
The third was to be reuenged of the wrong doone vnto Robert
archbishop of Canturburie, who (as he was informed) was exiled by the
meanes and labor of Harold in the daies of king Edward.

Wherein we haue to note, that whether it were for displeasure that the
[Sidenote: _Wil. Lamb._ The pope fauored duke Williams enterprise.]
pope had sometime conceiued for the wrong doone to the archbishop,
or at the onlie sute of duke William, certeine it is that the pope, as
then named Alexander the second, fauored this enterprise of the duke,
and in token thereof sent him a white banner, which he willed him to
set vp in the decke of the ship, wherein he himselfe should saile.
In déed (as writers report) the pope with his cardinals, and all the
whole court of Rome had king Harold euer in great hatred and disdaine,
[Sidenote: _Matth. West._]
because he had taken vpon him the crowne without their consent,
or anie ecclesiasticall solemnitie or agréement of the bishops. And
although the pope and his brethren the said cardinals dissembled
the matter for the time, yet now beholding to what end his bold
presumption was like to come, with frowning fortune they shewed
themselues open aduersaries, inclining streightwaies to the stronger
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