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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) - The Eight Booke of the Historie of England by Raphael Holinshed
page 60 of 73 (82%)
Normans were placed to fight in battell; the dissolute and droonken
behauior of the Englishmen the night before the incounter farre
differing from the Normans deuout demenour; duke Williams speech vpon
occasion of wrong putting on his armour, the battell betwixt him and
king Harold is valiantlie tried, the English by duke Williams politike
stratagem are deceiued, king Harold slaine, his armie put to flight
and manie of them slaine after a long and bloudie incounter, manie
of the Normans pursuing the English ouerhastilie procure their owne
death, they take the spoile of the English, the dead bodies of both
armies are licenced to be buried; the differing reports of writers
touching the maner of Harolds death, a description of his person, his
ambition did him much hurt and hinderance, the number that were slaine
on both sides, his bodie buried at Waltham, nothing dispraisewoorthie
in him but his ambitious mind, a view of his valiantnesse in a
conflict against the Welshmen, his rigorous or rather pitilesse
handling of them, his seuere law or decree touching their bounds, they
are vtterlie subdued, and (by the kings leaue) the Welshwomen marrie
with the Englishmen, the Saxon line ceasseth, how long it lasted, and
how long it was discontinued by the inuasion of the Danes._


[Sidenote: _Will. Malmes._]
Now it fortuned that both armies, as well the kings as the earles,
being prepared to battell, diuerse offers were made on each side
(before they fell to the conflict) for an vnitie to haue béene had
betwixt the two princes: but when no conditions of agreement could
take place, they forthwith prepared themselues to trie the matter by
dint of swoord. And so on the 14 day of October, being saturday,
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