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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) - The Eight Booke of the Historie of England by Raphael Holinshed
page 8 of 73 (10%)
of earle Goodwine, as shall appéere. About the third yéere of king
Edwards reigne, Osgot Clappa was banished the realme. And in the
[Sidenote: 1047]
yéere following, that is to say, in the yeere 1047, there fell
a maruellous great snow, couering the ground from the beginning of
Ianuarie vntill the 17 day of March. Besides this, there hapned the
[Sidenote: A great death. _Ran. Higd._]
same yéere such tempest and lightnings, that the corne vpon the
earth was burnt vp and blasted: by reason whereof, there followed a
great dearth in England, and also death of men and cattell.

[Sidenote: Swain Goodwines sonne banished.]
About this time Swaine the sonne of earle Goodwine was banished
the land, and fled into Flanders. This Swaine kept Edgiua, the abbesse
of the monasterie of Leoffe, and forsaking his wife, ment to
[Sidenote: Edgiua abbesse of Leoffe.]
haue married the foresaid abbesse. Within a certeine time after his
banishment, he returned into England, in hope to purchase the kings
peace by his fathers meanes and other his friends. But vpon some
[Sidenote: This Bearne was the sonne of Vlfusa Dane, vncle to this
Swaine by his mother, the sister of K. Swaine. _H. Hunt._]
malicious pretense, he slue his coosen earle Bearne, who was about
to labour to the king for his pardon, and so then fled againe into
Flanders, till at length Allered the archbishop of Yorke obteined his
pardon, and found meanes to reconcile him to the kings fauour.

[Sidenote: _Hen. Hunt._]
In the meane time, about the sixt yéere of king Edwards reigne,
certeine pirats of the Danes arriued in Sandwich hauen, and entring
the land, wasted and spoiled all about the coast. There be that write,
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