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Scientific American Supplement, No. 643, April 28, 1888 by Various
page 2 of 136 (01%)
wonderful works of the ancient dwellers in Hindostan.--3
illustrations. 10275

II. BIOGRAPHY.--General F. Perrier.--Portrait and biography of
the French geodesian, his triangulations in Algiers and
Corsica.--1 illustration. 10264

The Crown Prince of Germany--Prince William and his son.--
Biographical note of Prince William, the heir to the German
throne.--1 illustration. 10263

III. BIOLOGY.--Poisons.--Abstract of a lecture by Prof. MEYMOTT
TIDY, giving the relations of poisons to life. 10273

The President's Annual Address to the Royal Microscopical
Society.--The theory of putrefaction and putrefactive
organisms.--Exhaustive review of the subject. 10264

IV. CHEMISTRY.--Molecular Weights.--A new and simple method
of determining molecular weights for unvolatilizable
substances. 10271

V. CIVIL ENGINEERING.--Concrete.--By JOHN LUNDIE.--A practical
paper on the above subject.--The uses and proper methods of
handling concrete, machine mixing contrasted with hand
mixing. 10267

Timber and Some of its Diseases.--By H. MARSHALL WARD.--The
continuation of this important treatise on timber destruction,
the fungi affecting wood, and treatment of the troubles
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