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Baby Chatterbox by Anonymous
page 2 of 44 (04%)
Came down from the sky in the night.
A soft little baby, with violet eyes,
Shining, and pure, and white.

But how did the little new baby get
Down here from the depths of the sky?
She couldn't have come alone, you know,
For she's much too young to fly.

Oh! the angels carried her down in their arms
From the far-away, beautiful blue;
Brought her down from the arms of God,
A present to me and to you.

So, you see, we must kiss the baby,
And give her a lot of love,
That she may not need the angels
Till she meets them again above.



"Dolly, my dearest, you really must walk,
You shall not be lazy, you never will talk;
And, as I've got all the talking to do,
I think you might please me by walking, don't you?

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