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The King's Arrow - A Tale of the United Empire Loyalists by H. A. (Hiram Alfred) Cody
page 24 of 322 (07%)
thought mebbe it was a bear or a tager comin' out ob de woods, fo' one
nebber knows what to 'spect next in dis place."

"I am sorry I frightened you, Mammy," the girl smilingly replied, "And
it was too bad that I interrupted you in your interesting talk about
'everlasting fire,' 'ructions,' and 'King George.' You seem to be in a
fighting mood."

"I is, Missie Jean, I is in a turrible fightin' mood. I'd like jes at
dis very minute to hab my two hands on dem rascals dat turned on good
King George, an' den druve us all out ob our homes. I'd show dem a
t'ing or two, I sa'tinly would."

"I don't doubt it," the girl replied, as she stooped and helped herself
to a waffle. "If you could fight as well as you can cook you would be
a wonder."

"I could cook on our stove in Ol' Connec., Missie Jean, but it's mighty
hard work on dat," and she looked contemptuously at the rude
fire-place. "To t'ink that we should ebber come to dis!"

"Why, I think it's great, Mammy."

"What' not better'n Ol' Connec.?"

"Oh, not at all. But this might be worse. I miss our dear old home in
Connecticut, and yet I have often longed for a life such as this. I am
sure you will like it, too, Mammy, when you get used to it."

"I kin nebber git used to it, chile. I'se been torn up by de roots
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