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Glen of the High North by H. A. (Hiram Alfred) Cody
page 21 of 328 (06%)
Reynolds could see nothing more owing to the men crowding the rail. He
glanced toward the girl just as she turned suddenly away from the side
of the steamer and walked rapidly across the deck. She seemed much
agitated, and the flush had fled her face, leaving it very white. All
this Reynolds briefly noted, and when she had disappeared through a
door leading into the observation room, he stood wrapped in thought,
wondering as to the cause of the remarkable change that had so suddenly
taken place. Was there some mystery connected with her life, and had
she recognized someone in the canoe she did not wish to meet? He
determined to learn what he could about the picked-up men, and to keep
his eyes and ears open for further developments.



"Fine sight that, sir."

Reynolds turned sharply at these words, and saw the old man with the
long beard and flowing hair standing at his left. Although he himself
was almost six feet in height, he seemed small by the side of this
stranger, who was looking calmly out over the water toward the
fog-bank, which had now lifted and was slowly dissolving.

"Ye don't see the likes of that often," he continued, "an' it ain't
everyone who kin read its meanin', either."

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