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Glen of the High North by H. A. (Hiram Alfred) Cody
page 24 of 328 (07%)
"Dunno, 'cept yer solemncoly face, an' the way yer dressed.
Missionaries ginerally come north lookin' about as you do, to turn the
sinner from the error of his way, an' to convart the heathen Injun.
They're not overly pop'lar up thar."

"Why not?"

"Oh, they've too high an' mighty notions about the way men should live;
that's the trouble."

"And so you think they should make themselves popular with the men, eh?
In what way?"

"By bein' one of 'em, an' not bein' too hard on what they do."

"Do you think that their great Master ever said that they would be
popular, and that they were to please all men?" Reynolds defensively

"I dunno. Guess I can't recall anything He ever said about the
matter," and the old man scratched his head in perplexity.

"Didn't He tell His first disciples that they would be hated of all men
for His name's sake when He sent them forth to do His work?"

"I believe He did," was the reluctant assent. "But that was a long
time ago. Things are different now."

"Only outwardly, remember. The heart is the same in all ages; you
can't change that. If it is evil and full of vileness, it is bound to
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