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American Hand Book of the Daguerrotype by S. D. (Samuel Dwight) Humphrey
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There is not an Amateur or practical Daguerreotypist, who has
not felt the want of a manual--Hand Book, giving concise
and reliable information for the processes, and preparations
of the Agents employed in his practice.

Since portraits by the Daguerreotype are at this time believed
to be more durable than any other style of "Sun-drawing,"
the author has hit upon the present as being an appropriate
time for the introduction of the Fifth Edition of this work.
The earlier edition having a long since been wholly;
exhausted, the one now before you is presented.

The endeavor has been to point out the readiest and most
approved Methods of Operation, and condense in its pages;
as much practical information as its limits will admit.
An extended Preface is unnecessary, since the aim and scope
of this work are sufficiently indicated by the title.




Polishing the Daguerreotype Plate--Buffing the Plate--Coating the Plate--
Exposure of the Plate in the Camera--Position Developing the Daguerreotype--
Exposure to Mercury--Removing the Coating--Gilding or fixing the Image--
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