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Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 159, August 25th, 1920 by Various
page 4 of 59 (06%)

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According to a morning paper another Antarctic expedition is to be
organised very shortly. We understand that only those who can stand a
northern wind on all four sides need apply.

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It is reported that a poultry-farmer in the West of England is making a
fortune by giving his hens whisky to drink and then exporting their eggs to
the United States.

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A golf-ball was recently driven through the window of an express train near
Knebworth. We are informed however that the player who struck the ball
still maintains that the engine-driver deliberately ignored his shout of

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An amazing report reaches us from Yorkshire. It appears that a centenarian
has been discovered who is unable to read without glasses or even to walk
to market once a week.

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The unveiling of one of the largest Peace memorials in the country is to
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