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Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6) - England (1 of 12) William the Conqueror by Raphael Holinshed
page 51 of 95 (53%)
defense with bowes and arrowes, bills, polaxes, swords, clubs, and
staues, and other weapons, the doores kept locked and stronglie
boulted in the night season, for feare to be surprised as it had beene
in time of open warr and amongst publike enimies. Praiers were said
also by the maister of the house, as though they had beene in the
middest of the seas in some stormie tempest, and when the windowes or
doores should be shut in and closed, they vsed to saie _Benedicite_,
and others to answer, _Dominus_, in like sort as the preest and his
penitent were woont to doo at confession in the church.

Notwithstanding all this, K. William sought to tame & vanquish those
of the English Nobilitie, who would not be at his becke. They againe
on the other side made themselues strong, the better to resist him,
choosing for their chéefe capteines and leaders, the earles Edwine &
Edgar Etheling, who valiantlie resisted the Normans, and slue many of
them with great rage and crueltie. And as they thus procéeded in their
matters, king William being a politike prince, forward and painefull
in his businesse, suffered them not altogither to escape cléere awaie,
but did sore annoy and put them oft to remediles losses, though he
abode in the meane time many laborious iournies, slaughters of his
people, and damages of his person. [Sidenote: _Polydor._ _Anno Reg.
2._ _Matth. Paris._ _Matth. West._ Diuers of the English Nobilitie
forsake their natiue countrie.] Herevpon the English Nobilitie euer
after, yea in time of peace, were hated of the king and his Normans,
and at length were kept so short, that being mooued partlie with
disdaine, and partlie with dread, they got them out of the realme,
some into Scotland, some into Denmarke, others into Norway; and among
these, the two earles Edwine and Marchar, with certeine bishops &
others of the cleargie, besides manie also of the temporaltie, escaped
into Scotland. Marleswine & Gospatricke, with a great number of other
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