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Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (3 of 12) - Henrie I. by Raphael Holinshed
page 21 of 79 (26%)
entreat with him by way of brotherlie amitie, in full hope by that
meanes to auoid this present danger. [Sidenote: 1106. An. Reg. 7.] But
at his arriuall here, he learned how the king his brother as then was at
Northampton: wherefore he hasted thither, and comming to him, made
earnest sute for peace, beséeching the king in respect of brotherlie
loue to grant the same; or if it were that he regarded not the goodwill
of his naturall brother, to consider at least wise what apperteined to
his accustomed gentlenesse, and to think with himselfe that warre
betwixt brethren could not be mainteined without reproch, nor that
victorie be honorable which was obteined against his owne flesh.
Wherefore he required him not to refuse peace, freendship, and
voluntarie beneuolence, sith he was now readie to render all that euer
he had into his hands.

The king nothing mooued herewith, but as one that disdained to make a
direct answer, murmured certeine things with himselfe, and turned away
from the duke, as one that either by experience knew his brothers light
and vnstable mind, or as one that determined to be reuenged of him euen
to the vttermost. [Sidenote: The brethren depart in displeasure.] Duke
Robert also, abhorring and vtterlie detesting this his brothers pride,
streightwaies returned home, purposing with himselfe to the hazard of
warre, sith he sawe no hope to be had in brotherlie loue and amitie.
Wherevpon he prouided for wars with all his power, seeking aid from all
places where he might get any, though the king his brother gaue him
small leisure thereto, [Sidenote: K. Henrie passeth into Normandie to
pursue his brother.] who followed him incontinentlie with a new supplie
of souldiours, desiring nothing more than to get him within his danger.

Soone after, both the brethren approching neere togither, ech of them
pitched their campe within the sight of other, preparing themselues to
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