Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (3 of 12) - Henrie I. by Raphael Holinshed
page 24 of 79 (30%)
page 24 of 79 (30%)
Malmesburie writeth: for he saith, that king Henrie with small adoo
brought into his hands duke Robert, who with a great troope of men came against him then lodging néere the said castell of Tenerchbray. [Sidenote: Robert de Belesme.] The earle of Mortaigne was also taken, but the earle of Shrewsburie escaped by flight, notwithstanding he was apprehended, as he went about to practise some priuie conspiracie against the king. [Sidenote: The 27. of September chro. de Nor.] ¶ This battell was fought (as the same Wil. Malme. affirmeth) vpon a saturdaie, being the daie of S. Michaell, In gloria, and (as maybe thought) by the prouident iudgment of God, to the end that Normandie should be subdued vnto England on that daie, in the which 40. yeares passed, king William the Conquerour first set foot on land at Hastings, when he came out of Normandie to subdue England. [Sidenote: _Simon Dun._] Neither dooth Simon Dunelmensis varie in anie thing from Gemeticensis touching the conclusion of this businesse, and the taking of duke Robert. [Sidenote: _Matth. West._] [Sidenote: 1107.] These wars being thus finished, and the countrie set in quiet, which through the méere folie of duke Robert was woonderfullie impouerished, the king receiued the keies of all the townes and castels that belonged either to the duke or the earle of Mortaigne, and furnished the same with garisons to be kept for his behoofe. Hauing thus pacified the countrie of Normandie, he came to Bec or Bechellouin, where archbishop Anselme then remained, whome by mediation of freends he receiued to fauour againe, [Sidenote: Anselme returneth home.] and sending him ouer into England, immediatlie after followed himselfe. [Sidenote: Duke Robert prisoner in the castell of Cardiff. _Gemeticensis._] Duke Robert being also spoiled of his dominions, lands and liberties, was shortlie committed to prison within the castell of |