Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (3 of 12) - Henrie I. by Raphael Holinshed
page 27 of 79 (34%)
page 27 of 79 (34%)
thrée daies togither, and in the end bicause the pope had granted the
homages of bishops and other prelats to the king, which his predecessor Urban had forbidden, togither with the inuestitures; the king was contented to consent to the popes will in forbearing the same. So that when Anselme was come, the king in presence of him and a great multitude of his people, granted and ordeined, that from thenceforth no bishop nor abbat should be inuested within the realme of England, by the hand either of the king or any laie man: on the other side it was granted againe by Anselme, that no person elected into the prelacie, should be depriued of his consecration for dooing his homage to the king. These things thus ordred, the churches which through England had bin long vacant, were prouided of gouernors, which were placed without any inuestiture of staffe or ring. About this time, Anselme consecrated fiue bishops at Canturburie in one day, archbishop William to the sée of Winchester, Roger that was the kings chancellor to Salisburie, William Warlewast to Excester, Remaline the quéenes chancellor to Hereford, and one Urban to Glamorgan in Wales. [Sidenote: _Polydor._ _Ran. Higd._] About this season a great part of Flanders being drowned by an exundation or breaking in of the sea, a great number of Flemings came into England, beséeching the king to haue some void place assigned them, wherein they might inhabit. [Sidenote: Flemings cÅming ouer into England, haue places appointed them to inhabit.] At the first they were appointed to the countrie lieng on the east part of the riuer of Twéed: but within foure yeres after, they were remooued into a corner by the sea side in Wales, called Penbrokeshire, to the end they might be a defense there to the English against the vnquiet Welshmen. |