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The Colored Regulars in the United States Army by T. G. Steward
page 18 of 387 (04%)
Western World, the latest comer in the field of arms, but yielding his
place in the line to none, and ever ready to defend his country and
his flag against any and all foes.

The mission of this book is to make clear this evolution, giving the
historical facts with as much detail as possible, and setting forth
finally the portrait of this new soldier. That this is a prodigious
task is too evident to need assertion--a task worthy the most lofty
talents; and in essaying it I humbly confess to a sense of unfitness;
yet the work lies before me and duty orders me to enter upon it. A
Major General writes: "I wish you every success in producing a work
important both historically and for the credit of a race far more
deserving than the world has acknowledged." A Brigadier General who
commanded a colored regiment in Cuba says to me most encouragingly:
"You must allow me--for our intimate associations justify it--to write
frankly. Your education, habits of thought, fairness of judgment and
comprehension of the work you are to undertake, better fit you for
writing such a history than any person within my acquaintance. Those
noble men made the history at El Caney and San Juan; I believe you are
the man to record it. May God help you to so set forth the deeds of
that memorable first of July in front of Santiago that the world may
see in its true light what those brave, intelligent colored men did."

Both these men fought through the Civil War and won distinction on
fields of blood. To the devout prayer offered by one of them I
heartily echo an Amen, and can only wish that in it all my friends
might join, and that God would answer it in granting me power to do
the work in such a way as to bring great good to the race and reflect
some glory to Himself, in whose name the work is undertaken.

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