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The Colored Regulars in the United States Army by T. G. Steward
page 4 of 387 (01%)
The Ninth Ohio Battalion. Eighth Illinois. Twenty-third Kansas. Third
North Carolina. Sixth Virginia. Third Alabama. The Immunes. 282


By Captain Frank R. Steward, A.B., LL.B., Harvard, 49th U. S.
Volunteer Infantry. 299



The material out of which the story of the COLORED REGULARS has been
constructed has been collected with great pains, and upon it has been
expended a serious amount of labor and care. All the movements of the
Cuban campaign, and particularly of the battles, have been carefully
studied by the aid of official reports, and conversations and
correspondence with those who participated in them. The work has been
performed with an earnest desire to obtain and present the truth,
hoping that the reader will be inspired by it to a more profound
respect for the brave and skilled black men who passed through that
severe baptism of fire and suffering, contributing their full share to
their country's honor.

It is also becoming in this place to mention with gratitude the
encouragement given by the War Department both in granting me the time
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