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The Colored Regulars in the United States Army by T. G. Steward
page 60 of 387 (15%)
by colored persons $1,400,000
Untaxed by colored persons (churches) 250,000
Personal estate 710,000
Money in savings banks 1,121,000

These figures indicate that in proportion to their numbers, the
colored population of this city pay a fair share of the school taxes,
and that they have been most unjustly dealt with. Their money has been
used to purchase sites and erect and fit up schoolhouses for white
children, whilst their own children are driven into miserable edifices
in disgraceful localities. Surely, the white population of the city
are too able, too generous, too just, any longer to suffer this
miserable robbing of their colored fellow-citizens for the benefit of
white children.

Praying that your honorable commission will take due notice of these
facts, and recommend such remedy as shall seem to you best,

We have the honor to be, in behalf of the New York Society for the
Promotion of Education among Colored Citizens,

Most respectfully yours,

CHARLES B. RAY, President.
PHILIP A. WHITE, Secretary.
New York City, December 28, 1857.

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