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McGuffey's Sixth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 10 of 573 (01%)
59. Necessity of Education Lyman Beecher. 228
60. Riding on a Snowplow Benjamin Franklin Taylor. 231
61. The Quarrel of Brutus and Cassius William Shakespeare. 284
62. The Quack John Tobin. 238
63. Rip Van Winkle Washington Irving. 242
64. Bill and Joe Oliver Wendell Holmes. 240
65. Sorrow for the Dead Washington Irving. 249
66. The Eagle James Gates Percival. 251
67. Political Toleration Thomas Jefferson. 253
68. What Constitutes a State? Sir William Jones. 255
69. The Brave at Home Thomas Buchanan Read. 256
70. South Carolina Robert Young Hayne. 257
71. Massachusetts and South Carolina Daniel Webster. 259
72. The Church Scene from Evangeline H. W. Longfellow. 262
73. Song of the Shirt Thomas Hood. 266
74. Diamond cut Diamond. E'douard Rene' Lefebvre-Laboulaye. 269
75. Thanatopsis William Cullen Bryant. 275
76. Indian Jugglers William Hazlitt. 278
77. Antony over Caesar's Dead Body William Shakespeare. 281
78. The English Character William Hickling Prescott. 286
79. The Song of the Potter. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.290
80. A Hot Day in New York William Dean Howells. 292
81. Discontent.--An Allegory Joseph Addison. 295
82. Jupiter and Ten. James T. Fields. 301
83. Scene from "The Poor Gentleman" George Colman. 303
84. My Mother's Picture William Cowper. 310
85. Death of Samson John Milton. 312
86. An Evening Adventure 315
87. The Barefoot Boy John Greenleaf Wittier. 317
88. The Glove and the Lions James Henry Leigh Hunt. 321
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